Friday, April 10, 2009

The Little Things

Every day we're here is filled with thousands of little moments that I wish I could describe to everyone. There are always too many to remember them all.

I'm going to make a little list and see if I can get across even a few of them.

- Jacki struggling to carry a bucket of water to wash the shoes and clothes. But she didn't want any help. Travis told her she had big muscles.

- The kids all saying, "Sorry Teacher" when I coughed in class because the air is so dry and dusty here that my sinuses are a wreck.

- Little Keem walking outside to his little plastic potty sitting in the dirt. He sat down for a while and ate his pear while doing his 'business'.

- Gertruda asking me to sing "You Are My Sunshine" over and over and over...

- Aurelia has a gift for music and likes to lead the kids in songs. She is a beauty.

- Whenever we pull up to the orphanage, all the kids run out and greet us, using their best English to say "Good Morning"

- Phillipo trying his best to mimic Travis and help with the duct tape as we were wrapping mattresses with vinyl covers.

- Moody showing me how he can write his name over and over. Then tearing up the paper and throwing it on the floor because he is so tired and doesn't feel well, he doesn't know how else to express his frustration with being sick. The nurse gave him some medicine and soon he was eating lunch with a half smile.

- Any time we're walking along the streets children holler, "Mzungo!" to us, just so we'll wave hello to them.

- People are so proud of what they do have, they even sweep the dirt outside their homes to make it neat and tidy.

- The car wash we pass everyday has a mud floor

- Children, as young as 6-7 are tending the cows & goats. They graze them along the side of the road, where there's green grass to eat.

- Most homes (real homes, not huts) have bars on the windows and doors. They also almost always have a security guard who stays around night and day. If problems arise, they call for backup - in the form of a large truck of armed men. CPI has nothing on that!

- I'm touched every day by the friendliness of the people here. Even the street vendors who pester you are at least helpful when you need directions.


  1. Erica: We're all enjoying your personal insights about the trip. Please keep it up. Grabbed your wildlife photos for a front-page intranet posting today, encouraging folks to frequent your blog ... and the one Travis started up, too. It's all great. Hope you're feeling better; and hope you and Travis enjoy the rest of the "experience."

  2. "the little things" indeed! Some of those brought tears to my eyes! To have so little, yet be so proud. The children are reminding us what is most important in this world.

    Continue getting better, and thanks for writing of your experiences!

    maryse laforce

  3. Erica:

    I am so sorry that you are sick! Hang in there. It is great reading the blogs and you are all getting so much accomplished! have a blast in Zanzibar!! Did the kids connect that we work together? Be sure to tell Fred that I am with my cousin Tiffany whom he has a crush on that we say hello and miss them all. Tell David that he looks like Don Cheadle!

  4. Erica,
    Glad you are feeling better per our phone conversation today. I love reading your comments. My niece, who just lovessss Moody, is worried about him being sick so if you could give us an update on him she would be glad to hear how he is doing.
    Send me a text when u are at the orphanage so i can call u back and talk to the kids. Connie
