Friday, February 27, 2009

You Know You're Obsessed with Trip Planning When...

1 - You have dreams about electricity adapters

2 - You spend 5 hours online searching for the PERFECT passport/travel document wallet and then you poll your friends to pick the best color (I ended up with lime green. Thanks Shawn!)

3 - You are scheduling Outlook calendar meetings with your travel partner for 3 days before you depart and calling it a "Packing Party."

4 - You've made 3 (or was it 4?) trips to REI just to see what else they have on sale that you might need.

5 - You're already planning ways to take very fast showers since there's no hot water - Including trying to convince your hairstylist it's OK to use a 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner combo for 2.5 weeks. She shot me down, but I'm still gonna do it. (sorry Rae!)

6 - You try to figure out how to subscribe to your OWN blog

7 - You've thought about starting to pack, but then realized that was just nuts: the plane doesn't leave for 4.5 weeks (see #3 as a way to cope with this one)

8 - You start referring to yourself as Muzungu - the Swahili word for 'white person'

9 - You confirm who is taking you to the airport 6 weeks before you depart. (Thanks Dad!)

10 - Your travel partner says, "Maybe we should just watch a movie to get your mind off this..." (Thanks Travis, it worked!)

I'm sure there are lots of other obsessions my family & friends will be happy to point out...

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